Channel: Faith – Two Handed Warriors

Zechariah and Waiting in Prayer – Andrew Peterson on Christmas Traditions

Gary and Peter discuss the message of hope found in the Christmas story for all those still waiting for God to answer their deepest prayer.

It’s a Wonderful Life and the Mega-Church

Gary and Peter Kapsner discuss the greatest Christmas movie of all time and its relation to the struggles of the modern church. Are mega-churches a little too much like Pottersville? (Recorded 12/14/21)

Why Lent is Less Like Monty Python and More Like Moana

Why Lent is Less Like Monty Python and More Like Moana Moana can’t create the wind and the waves, but her sail canoe enables her to catch the energy provided by the ocean. Lent is a lot like that. by Gary David Stratton “Don’t you think it’s a little odd to give up something for Lent in order to worship a Savior who told us to remember him by eating carbs and drinking alcohol?” she said. How was I supposed to answer that?

The Shield of St Patrick: A Prayer for Aid in Dark Times…like these

Patrick developed his "shield" or "breast-plate" prayer to help him "put on the full armor of God" (Ephesians 6:12) in the midst of the incredible trials he faced fostering shalom in Ireland. It's the type of prayer our nation needs today.

Finding Peace in a Time of Pandemic

The stunning 'pause' forced upon our modern world places an unprecedented challenge before the church: How do we remain faithful to God's glorious dream of Shalom-making in the midst of a world in crisis?

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